Corporation whose address is

(this "Agreement") is executed on this

Detroit International Bridge Company (“Indemnitor”), a Michigan

12225 Stephens Road, Warren, Michigan 48089, in favor of State of Michigan

(“Michigan”), in its own right, as represented by its Governor, and by and through, the Michigan Department

of Transportation (“MDOT”) (MDOT, with Michigan the "Indemnitee"), Street Lansing, Michigan 48909.

WHEREAS, Indemnitor is the

whose address is 425 West Ottawa RECITALS




Ambassador Bridge (the "Bridge"); and


materials over and MDOT has li•ed certain restrictions

across the Bridge; and

certain on

the transportation of non—radiological hazardous

WHEREAS, as a condition to li•ing such restrictions Indemnitor provide this Agreement; and


Indemnitor is lifted;

NOW, THEREFORE, in including the recitals set forth above

consideration, the willing consideration of the which are incorporated herein by reference,

receipt and suf•ciency of which

1. De•nitions. Indemnitor hereby have the following meanings:

statutes, ordinances and handling, production or
regulations, policies, guidelines, interpretations, decisions,


"Class 3 and Class Hazardous Material thereunder.



"Indemnitee" means


as set forth in the penalties, claims, and/or expenses

expenses) of any kind or nature incurred by or asserted or awarded against Indemnitee

arising out of an accidental release of Class 3 or Class 8 Hazardous Materials •'om the Ambassador Bridge into the Detroit River that is a violation of an Environmental Law such that the Environmental Law requires an environmental restoration (the “Indemni•ed Matters”).

(b) The foregoing indemnity shall in

amounts the pursuant

to this

Agreement, or (ii) amounts spent otherwise responsible for the release.

environmental restoration of the Indemni•ed Matters from third


collecting, amounts the Miscellaneous.


right or remedy of any Indemnitee under this Agreement

act, or by shall be established any oral agreement, but solely by an instrument in writing duly executed by a duly authorized of•cer of the Indemnitee. In the event

by conduct,

any custom or course of provision contained in this Agreement should be breached by the Indemnitor and thereafter be duly waived by the Indemnitee, on dealing or any delay or failure to such waiver shall be limited to the particular