
highway routing of hazardous material, which has been Section 51 1 2(0) in


may be

to the


49 CFR 397


NRHM'routing designations,

0 Motor carriers transporting

MDOT is the designated routing agency responsible for all NRHM routing designations and restrictions

in Michigan,

MCL 480.1I Tlao. These routing designations and restrictions apply

commercially for which the use placards is required ol placards is required

to to

all motor carriers transporting hazardous materials

under the Federal Hazardous

Materials Regulations.

Examples of hazardous materials placards for Class 3 (Flammable Matertials) and Class 8 (Corrosive Materials), two of the nine classifications of hazardous materials (presented in Table 1, page 4), are depicted in the figure that Follows: Figure

tequired to diSplay placards identifying the classification tequired diSplay placards identifying the

the importance ofl visually


serves as

a reminder to other

enforcement of designated hazardous materials