This section evaluates the potential consequences ofl hazardous


carrier accidents on the tour selected hazmat route segments in Wayne County, including the Detroit Windsor Tunnel, the Ambassador Bridge, the segment of M-TO under Cobo Hall, and the lowered section of NH 0 between the iunction otlt the interchange with Wyoming Road and the interchange with 8 Mile Road.

personnel) response time, the response behavior ol

plume, and the response behavior of people residing (or present) near the route that would be in the release plume.

The The

was assumed with a 50 percent potential totality exposure rate and was to estimate the consequences of a release. Regarding residents and others

in the vicinity of the highway,


be able to notify them to shelter

was assumed that emergency responders would in place or to evacuate before the hazmat plume

could reach the affected residences and/ or other facilities.

segment longer

Some uncertainties were inherent in the evaluation, and these uncertainties could have impacted the risk assessment results. One of the moaitor uncertainties was associated with the accident rate for each of the route segments. The route

evaluated was evaluated

less than a mile. Traffic data averaged

longer route segment may not be representative of the traffic

over a much over a much density in the

short route segment that was evaluated. Varying traffic density significant unknown‘

also posed

of the evaluated segments might estimate.

increase the accuracy of the accident rote

Another uncertainty

uncertainty was associated with the quantity and distribution among


classes/divisitons of hazardous materials being transported through Wayne of hazardous materials being transported through Wayne

County. While some inlormotion was collected on the volume and the classes/ divisions ol hazardous materials traveling into and out ol Wayne County, the available collection points olten were distant flrom Wayne County, making an exact count ofl hazardous materials shipments in Wayne County dilliCUltlt to

determine. The uncertainty

in in

hazardous materials classes and divisions presents an uncertainty that might be mitigated by collecting more data. In spite ol the stated uncertainties, a serious

the distribution of shipments among the various presents an uncertainty might

attempt attempt was made to perform an objective analysis. While the

risk data might the relative to
be uncertain, the relative risk numbers should