This Master Environmental Service Agreement (“the “Agreement”) entered into this 15 day of

MY , 20 20 , by and between Marine Pollution Control Corporation d/b/a MPC Environmental, a

Michigan corporation ("MPC"), and 09"0'Unlemauonal Bridge 00 a corporation ("Client").

That for and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants hereinafter contained, MPC and Client agree as follows:

1. AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE WORK. Client may request commencement of

Work by MPC, by giving notice by telephone 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per week, by calling

MPC at either 800-521-8232 01‘313-849-2333. At such time the Client’s representative making the call shall furnish MPC the name and title of the caller, the location of the facility or site needing Work 01' Response Services, the hazardous materials involved when applicable, and if known, and other relevant facts relating to the situation then known to the caller, and to the best of the caller’s ability, and any additional information as MPC deems reasonably necessaly. If necessary personnel and equipment are available to respond, MPC shall inform the Client’s representative making the call that it is available to respond and it accepts the request for services. The parties recognize that at the commencement of Work 01' Response Services hereunder, the scope of the Work thereof may not be well de•ned. The parties agree that at the commencement of Work involving emergency response service that their respective representatives shall consult with each other to better define the scope of Work to be performed and outline strategies and approaches to such Work. Client shall promptly con•rm all telephone requests for Work, after consulting with MPC, by issuing to MPC a written authorization (i.e. purchase order, work order, authorization to proceed) describing the Work to be performed and designate the Client’s representative authorized to act on behalf of the Client in connection with that particular project. Notwithstanding the above, in non-emergency response situations, the Client shall issue to MPC a written authorization describing the Work to be performed prior to commencement of services by MPC. For the purposes of this agreement, non-emergency response services shall be de•ned as services which do not require either (i) an immediate response by IVIPC (less than 24 hours and/or before the next business day) or (ii) the continuous, ongoing presence by MPC for an extended time at the on-site release area. In the event of a con•ict between the terms of such purchase order and the terms of this A greement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. Due to the emergency situation that MPC may be requested to respond to, the Client further authorizes MPC to use whatever procedure it deems advisable, and in conjunction therewith, to utilize whatever number of employees and types of equipment and supplies that it feels is necessary in handling the work. Client hereby authorizes MPC to promptly mobilize the necessary personnel and equipment and commence performance of the Work upon MPC’s acceptance of telephone request for Work by Client.