SUBJECT: Proposed DowntownMissionSite 1504/1540 McDougall

This memois in response to the correspondencereceived from The DowntownMission dated October12, 2020 addressed to City Council and seeking to waive the recently adoptedInterim Control Bylaw #103-2020 (Residential Density ICBL) for 1504/1540 McDougall Avenue lands.

The 1504/1540 McDougall site is presently designated ‘Industrial’ in the City’s Official Plan and zoned ‘Manufacturing’ (MD2.1 category)in the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By Law . The current property designation and zoning does not enable a residential shelter as a permitted land use. As such,it first requires an Official Plan Amendment(Residential OPA)and a Rezoning underthe Planning Act to permit the proposeduse(s).

The DowntownMissionis currently in process of making the required Planning Act application to change the designation and zoningas to enable the shelter type use at 1504/1540 McDougall. Howeverthatprocessis just beginning. When the OPA and rezoning application is deemed complete, a Planning report will be brought forward to the Development and Heritage Standing Committee and City Council for consideration including prior Public Notice under the Act.

Atthis time City Council does not havetheability to waive the Interim Control By Law # 103-2020asthe proposedsite first needs to go through the Planning Actapplication process to establish the proposed use. Oncethat Planning Act process (OPA and Rezoning)is completed, and presumingthe shelter use is approved, only then would City Council be in a position to exemptthesite from the current Residential Density ICBL.

| trust this clarifies the present status of the subject lands as it related to the request being made from The Downtown Missi