This section contains proposed (recommendoations for retaining, removing ond/or adding hozorclous moteriols closs restrictions or requirements on the tour restricted routes in Wayne County. The proposed recommendations include suggestions lor increasing reslrictions or trequirements for special measures on some routes, while suggesting limitaotions or reductions of the shipments ol certain closses/clivisions ol hozordous moteriois on other routes. As indiicoatteecdl in Section 7.2 of this report, the role of the public is important and will be considered in making 0a Final determination. There are no recommendations with respect to transportation of Class 6.2 (Infectious Substances) or Class 7 (Radioactive Materials) 05 they have other regulations that apply. Generally, the troansportoation oi Class (3.2 and Class 7 material is rigorously controlled and subject to strict restrictions.

Table 7 on page if) summarizes MDOT's proposed recommendations for hazardous materials restrictions ond/or changes to the selected hazardous material routes, showing current restrictions and proposed recommended restrictions.


The bridge is inherently most vulnerable to explosive materials. As 0 result of limited escape paths, in the event of oao hozmot incident resulting in on explosive—coused itire 0o0rt 0o0 toxic releoase triggered by an explosion, mony vehicle occupoants might be trapped and possibly not survive. Toxic releases pose 0a0a less signilficoant concermn because these releases would be elevated and, thus, are less likely to haerm people below the bridge, although therte is still obvious risk. Corrosives.,., whilte not specifically evaluated, would haoave smaoalle!rt hozmot release plumes compuarted to explosive moteritols. However, many corrosive materials are recognized water contaminants. Loastilty, the recommendation to permit motor carriers with ploacoaoards to transport Class 3 (Flammable Liquids) would allow the movement oft gasoline and other itituels needed to supply tuel stations and other itociititities in areas 0ot Michigan with changing demographics that require reoadiily oavoailoablie Ftuel supplies.

A request research, materials

tor escorts (accompanying vehicles) for shipments on NRH/VMVl routes hoas been analyzed. Based on the it has been determined that vehiculoarit escorts provide an acceptable alternative to restricting certain hazardous

through the use of protective measures. The requirement tor escorts

a0a5s on additional means to reduce risk


NOTE: See Table 7 for information regarding Class 6.2 and Class 7.