A minor should not be given a waiver to sign and a parent / guardian cannot sign a waiver on behalf of a minor. Instead, parents / guardians of minor participants should sign an ‘assumption of risk’ form that describes the physical risks related to the participation. This form also serves as ‘informed consent’ that the parent / guardian is aware that their child may be injured as a result of their participation. This form should have the following features:


Many insurance underwriters are issuing a ‘contagion exclusion’ that explains that your insurance policy will not cover your curling rink for claims related to COVID-19. This is important information that should prompt a review of your waivers and forms. However, even if you have not received this type of notice, your organization should still include COVID-19 into your waivers and forms as a risk management practice.

Essentially, you should want to be protected from participants fling a claim against your organization should they become exposed or infected. How best to do this?

We recommend reviewing the four general strategies for risk management:


Avoiding the risk would involve not having any programs or services in which participants could interact with one another and / or with the same equipment or facilities. This would not be practical or desirable for most sport organizations.


Risk reduction strategies include these ‘return to play’ protocols. Some of these protocols will be curling-specifc but others will be common throughout sport. In addition to the ‘return to play’ guidelines, we recommend introducing a ‘Declaration of Compliance’. This document would be signed by any individual who enters your facility and / or who participates in your club’s programming. Individuals younger than the age of majority would have a parent / guardian sign the document on their behalf. This Declaration does not replace a waiver or assumption of risk form. It is a risk reduction strategy and not a risk transfer strategy.