Non-Delivering Team: The two sweepers of the non-delivering team should be positioned on these marking while the other team is throwing. The player of the non-delivering team whose turn it is next to deliver should be positioned at hogline on the same side as the two sweepers. The Skip (or Vice-Skip) will stand on the backboards but no closer than the hack.

Delivering Team: The Skip has control of the house. The player whose turn it is to deliver is in the hack. The non-sweeping player is on the backboards. The sweeping player is at the T-Line.

Once the stone has been released, the player who delivered the stone proceeds down the centre line of the ice until the halfway point to the marking or to the hog line if it is his/her turn next. Aſter the stone comes to rest, the sweeper proceeds to the halfway markings. The non-sweeper travels to the halfway mark or the hog line depending on their turn to deliver or not.

Championships in Curling Clubs

These Championships Guidelines were designed for arena events with 25 feet of carpeted area at each end. They can, however, be made to work for championships held in curling clubs though they may need customization. If physical distancing restrictions remain in effect, we suggest forming a small ad hoc committee to develop a basic plan to customize the championship guidelines for a specifc club-based event. The committee should/could include the member association technical director, the championship event director / coordinator, the club manager and/or club president, and the chief umpire.

For example, the frst named team on the draw may not be able to proceed to the far end to begin pre-game practice because of lack of space. A custom solution would be for the second named team to remain behind the glass in the warm area until it is their turn. The frst team leaves via one door and the second team enters by the other door.

Provincial / Territorial championships using a knockout format can assign frst practice and colour of stones in advance by showing it on the draw tree. Or, do a coin flip ( in the lounge for choice of practice or colour.