In the short term, and under full capacity, open the doors 20 minutes before draw time and close them 5 minutes aſter the draw starts. Check with the local authority to determine whether to allow spectators in the warm areas while curling is on the ice.
Instead of a hand shake, give a friendly wave or tap brooms to start the game.
Do not use coins to decide the last stone advantage in the frst end. The league convenors may assign them every game or, use an online tool on your phone: https://justflipacoin.com/
Players stay on the same side of the sheet. For example, if you are playing on sheet 2, always walk or position yourself on the sideline to sheet 1. This will keep players 10 feet apart.
Insert two small markings, located four feet from each aside of centre ice (roughly 69 feet from the end boards). See Distancing Illustrations (Appendix 5).
Non-Delivering Team: The two sweepers of the non-delivering team should be positioned on these marking while the other team is throwing. The player of the non-delivering team whose turn it is next to deliver should be positioned at hogline on the same side as the two sweepers. The Skip (or Vice-Skip) will stand on the backboards but no closer than the hack.
Delivering Team: The Skip has control of the house. The player whose turn it is to deliver is in the hack. The non-sweeping player is on the backboards. The sweeping player is at the T-Line.
Once the stone has been released, the player who delivered the stone proceeds down the centre line of the ice until the halfway point to the marking or to the hog line if it is their turn next. Aſter the stone comes to rest, the sweeper proceeds to the halfway markings. The non-sweeper travels to the halfway mark or the hog line depending on their turn to deliver or not.
As it is a labour-intensive activity to sanitize the scoreboard numbers aſter each game, consider other methods of keeping score (example: record on one person’s phone).
One sweeper only on all delivered stones. No relaying (second sweeper taking over halfway down the sheet). The person in charge of the house is not allowed to sweep under any circumstance. The skip of the non-delivering must remain in the hack area until all stones come to rest. They are not allowed to sweep the opposition stone behind the tee-line. Lessening of physical distancing restrictions would/could allow this guideline to be removed.
The skip or vice skip (not both) of non-delivering team must stand at the hack until the other team is fnished playing and has relinquished control of the house.
The skip or vice skip (both teams) may not sweep any stones (both colours) set in motion by the delivering team.
If local regulations do not allow the opening of the bar or warm areas, players should leave the rink right aſter their game.