4.0 Questions

Donna Sorrel of 1889 West Grand Crt asked what the process was for enlarging the drain. It was noted that the scope of work and next steps needed would be established through the process. Ms. Sorrel asked if pumps were removed from, or added to, the Grand Marais Drain. It was noted that the Grand Marais Drain has always been a gravity driven, open channel, and that no part of the Grand Marais Drain had ever been pumped.

Mary Ferguson asked if an assessment of the sanitary pump houses along the Parkway would be part of the assessment. Mr. Krutsch expressed that a review of the sanitary sewer system was not included in the assessment of the drain. Ms. Godo indicated that the City will be reviewing the performance of the sanitary sewer system as part of an overall City-wide sewer study.

Antonio DiCristofano of 2323 Lambton Street expressed concern that the existing sewer cannot handle the flow from the drain, and noted that the sewer only consisted of a 24 inch sewer. Mr. Krutsch noted that the drain capacity and sewer capacity will be assessed as part of the exercise.

George Popmarkov addressed some history of land expropriation referencing a letter from 2004. Mr. Krutsch indicated that it was not intended to address future land development issues as part of the assessment of the drain and suggested that any questions concerning future development potential of the lands should be directed to the City’s planning department. Mr. Popmarkov asked that if the lands were developed in the future, would the drain be replaced with a sewer. Mr. Krutsch noted that the City would make separate inquiries with the planning department. He noted that some of the land may be undevelopable due to environmental constraints and that it would not be possible to resolve these issues through the Drainage Act process.

William Ferguson asked if the drain was connected to pump stations along the Parkway. Mr. Krutsch noted that the assessment will determine the what portions of the Parkway drainage are contributing flow to the drain, including pump stations. Mr. Ferguson asked if the drain had more than one outlet to the Grand Marais Drain. Mr, Krutsch indicated that currently there is only one outlet from the Marentette Mangin Drain to the Grand Marais Drain.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:45 p.m.

This meeting summary was prepared by Mr. Daniel M. Krutsch, P.Eng.