The BIA’s did indicate that the storage of items could be a challenge during the off-season. Alternatives such as the use of temporary additions such as planters and seasonal plant and floral displays with lighting features would help to address this concern. There may also be an opportunity for rentals from local businesses to provide festive enhancements in the BIA’s. This would also assist local businesses that have faced the cancellation of numerous events such as weddings and festivals. These types of displays could be eligible as part of the matching funding program proposed.

In addition, there were some concerns about current available infrastructure for displays, available initial funding from BIAs, timing and expertise needed for installation of displays. City staff could be available to consult with the BIA’s regarding infrastructure requirements and options for each BIA, which have unique layouts and needs.

Reconnect Festival and Event Program Opportunity

On October 8th, 2020 the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries announced that Ontario is investing $9 million through the new Reconnect Festival and Event Program to support municipalities and event organizers during COVID-19. This funding will be used to maintain public safety requirements and allow people to reconnect with their communities through online, drive-through and other innovative experiences.

Administration is currently exploring what opportunities may exist through this program. This opportunity provides the potential to offer enhanced programming during the 2020 holiday season. Administration is currently working through the application criteria and consulting with various partners to determine what might help to create a successful application. Applications are due up to December 1, 2020, and will be reviewed as they are received so there is incentive to submit as soon as possible. Should there be programming opportunities that meet the criteria and that could be implemented in time, Administration is seeking approval to submit the application. Up to 50% of the events total eligible cash operating expenses can be funded.

Risk Analysis:

Health & Safety Risks:

Presently, the City of Windsor has been permitted to operate under the Stage 3 rules implemented by the Province. With COVID-19 numbers increasing elsewhere in the Province, there is a significant risk that there could be an increase of COVID-19 cases in Windsor-Essex. To mitigate these risks, Administration will continue to follow all guidelines put in place by the Windsor Essex County Health Unit, the Province of Ontario and the Canadian Government. In the event that Windsor-Essex is required to implement new restrictions, facilities may be forced to close and any indoor displays would no longer be accessible.

Moving some displays indoors is a moderate risk as it may result in more people entering City facilities and will lead to an increase of interactions with each other and with City employees. Both of these interactions can lead to more opportunity to spread COVID-19 should an infected person enter a facility. This can be mitigated by ensuring physical