Council Report: C 202/2020

Subject: 2020 Holiday Lighting Displays – City Wide


Date to Council: October 19, 2020
Author: Samantha Magalas
Executive Initiatives Coordinator


Report Date: 10/13/2020
Clerk’s File #: SR2020 MH/13786

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council APPROVE the enhancement of holiday lighting displays at secured City of Windsor facilities using Bright Lights displays and existing funding from the 2020 Holiday Lights Operating Budget; and further,

THAT City Council APPROVE transferring $180,000 from the 2020 Holiday Lights Operating Budget (001-4245-5610-14100-0280601) to the Holiday Lights Capital Budget (project # 7171089) to invest in additional holiday displays by funding a matching partnership program with local Business Improvement Associations (BIA); and further,

THAT Administration BE AUTHORIZED to apply for the Reconnect Festival and Event Program grant, subject to being able to meet the application requirements, in order to provide enhanced holiday programming for 2020; and further,

THAT City Council APPROVE the use of the funding identified in this report as the City’s matching and ineligible portion for the grant submission; and further,

THAT the CAO and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign any required agreements should the funding application be successful; and further,

THAT should the funding application not be successful, Administration PROCEED with offering Holiday Lighting and the BIA Matching Partnership Program only.

Executive Summary:


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Windsor’s Recreation & Culture department was forced to suspend a variety of services beginning in March 2020 in order