3.2 Record of Finds

No archaeological materials or sites were identified during the Stage 2 archaeological assessment of the subject property. Table 4 provides an inventory of the documentary records generated during this project.

Table 4: Documentary Records

Field Notes and Field Maps Dated July 3, 2020
Photo Catalogue Dated July 3 (40 photographs)
Location of Records Timmins Martelle Heritage Consultants Inc., @ the Museum of Ontario Archaeology, 1600 Attawandaron Road, London, Ontario N6G 3M6

3.3 Analysis and Conclusions

A Stage 2 field assessment was carried out in keeping with the Province of Ontario’s Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists. The test pit survey did not result in the documentation of archaeological resources. As such, the subject property should be considered free of archaeological concern.

3.4 Recommendations

All work met provincial standards and no archaeological material was documented during the assessment. As such, the subject property should be considered free of archaeological concern and no further archaeological assessment is recommended.

Our recommendations are subject to the conditions laid out in Section 5.0 of this report and to Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries review and acceptance of this report into the provincial register.


A Stage 1 and 2 archaeological assessment was conducted for a proposed TELUS cell tower at 3496 Sandwich Street, located within the south part of Lot 16, Plan 40, in the Geographic Township of Sandwich, formerly Essex County, now the City of Windsor. The Stage 1 assessment determined that the subject property had potential for the discovery of archaeological resources. As such, a Stage 2 assessment was recommended and carried out, consisting of a standard test pit survey at 10m intervals. The Stage 2 assessment did not result in the documentation of archaeological resources. As such, the subject property should be considered free of archaeological concern and no further archaeological assessment is recommended.