Review of Historic Maps and Imagery

The subject property is located within south part of Lot 16, Plan 40, in the Geographic Township of Sandwich, formerly Essex County, now the City of Windsor, Ontario. A review of relevant and available historic maps and aerial photography was undertaken to establish former land use at 3496 Sandwich Street in the City of Windsor.

The 1797 Town Plot of Sandwich depicts the subject property as fronting on South Street, which is shown as open as of this date, at the southernmost edge of the Sandwich Town Plot (Map 9). Each of the town lots measured roughly one acre in size (0.4 ha). It was reported in 1800 that many of the town lots in Sandwich that were granted in 1797 remained unimproved despite the fact that the time stipulated to make such improvements had passed (Lajeunesse 1960:cxxi, 203).

The 1877 Tackabury Map of Essex County does not depict any structures or list any owners or occupants within the subject property (Map 10). As of this date, the Town Plot has expanded substantially southward, to just beyond what is now Chappell Avenue. A significant area of swamp is shown west of the southwestern section of Sandwich. All of the main roadways of Sandwich are depicted as open at this time.

The 1881 Illustrated Historical Atlas map of Sandwich Township does not depict any structures or list any owners or occupants within the subject property (Map 11). As of this date, the town plot has expanded westerly, into the area of former swamp as depicted on the 1877 map, and has been divided into additional town lots.

The 1924 City of Windsor fire insurance plan (FIP) depicts 3496 Sandwich Street as containing a one storey, two room wooden gas station fronting on South Street and an adjoining concrete block garage (Map 12). A single gasoline pump is present to the north of the gas station. No other structures or improvements are depicted within the subject property as of this date. The 1937 FIP depicts very little change at 3496 Sandwich Street and no additional structures or improvements are depicted at this time (Map 13). The 1952 FIP shows that the gas station and gasoline pump have been removed and replaced by a one storey concrete garage with a small attached room located at the northwest corner of the building (Map 14). This garage corresponds roughly with the location of the existing Crystal Auto Sales building. No other structures or improvements are depicted on the subject property at this time.

Historical aerial photographs of 3496 Sandwich Street provide further information relevant to the historical development and improvements in the subject property. The 1969 aerial photograph largely matches that depicted on the 1952 FIP, with the exception that the smaller attached room is no longer present on the garage (Map 14). The majority of the subject property is grassed. The northern most portion of the lot appears to extend into the adjacent property, beyond a fence line into a treed area. It is possible that the property/lot lines where changed at some later date or that the abutting occupants were encroaching on the subject property, as later aerial photos and current assessment parcel