Table 1: Registered Archaeological Sites within 1 km of the Subject Property

Borden  NumberSite NameTime PeriodSite TypeCurrent DevelopmentReview Status
Early 19th-century to 20th-centuryScatterFurther CHVI
Pre-Contact, Pre-ContactCampsiteFurther CHVI
AbHs-63Essex County Jail20th CenturyJail Yard BurialsNo Further CHVI
AbHs-60Mille Cove MarinaLocation 1late 19th -century to 20th-centurySecondary DepositNo Further CHVI
Pre-Contact, 19th CenturyScatterNo Further CHVI
19th Century, LateWoodlandResidential, ScatterNo Further CHVI
Pre-Contact, 19th CenturyScatterFurther CHVI
Late Archaic, 19thCenturyScatterNo Further CHVI
AbHs-16Heritage ParkWindmillReconstruction19th CenturyScatterFurther CHVI
AbHs-12Mackenzie HallPost-ContactAdministrative, JailFurther CHVI
AbHs-10Duff-Baby House18th and 19th-CenturyResidentialFurther CHVI
2.2.3 Summary of Past Archaeological Investigations Within 50 Metres

Based on the available data, the only previous archaeological assessment identified within 50 m of the current subject property is the City of Windsor’s Archaeological Master Plan. As the MHSTCI currently does not maintain an accessible database of previous reports, this list may not be comprehensive.

City of Windsor Archaeological Master Plan

In 2005, CRM Group Ltd, Fisher Archaeological Consulting, Historic Horizon Inc. and Dillion Consulting Limited completed the Archaeological Master Plan Study Report for the City of Windsor (no PIF available). The master plan was prepared to create a planning tool designed to address the specific environmental, topographical and cultural factors which influenced human history within the municipality (CRM Group Ltd. et al.

2005:1). Within the Master Plan, the subject property is represented as having high archaeological potential (Map 8) (CRM Group Ltd. et al. 2005: Figure 4).

2.2.4 Dates of Archaeological Fieldwork

The Stage 2 fieldwork was conducted on July 3, 2020, in sunny, hot and humid weather conditions. The field director was Kelly Gostick (R1189).