TELUS Communications Inc.
Response Letter
35m Self-Support Telecommunication Facility
03 September 2020

it provides visual transparency as you can view the sky between the individual metal elements. In addition it is located on commercial land and near industrial and commercial land uses. TELUS has devoted significant resources and effort in designing this facility.

Property Value & Marketability

Many factors influence property values and marketability of a property, including location (e.g. proximity to amenities), land area (lot size), age of the building, interior space, supply & demand, aesthetics, redevelopment and investment potential. We have learned from our interaction with the public that many home buyers seek out neighbourhoods that have exceptional wireless coverage, as many people work from home and depend on a reliable wireless network (i.e. voice & internet services) to conduct business. In addition, many people rely exclusively on mobile telephones for wireless data and voice service and appreciate the security of having improved access to emergency services.

At the time of writing this letter, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) considers property value concerns to be irrelevant per CPC-2-0-03, Section 4.2. This is because research to date has been inconclusive in showing a relationship between property value resulting from proximity to telecommunications facilities, and the importance that telecommunication facilities have in our modern society and economy.

Community Heritage

The proposed tower location is not located within a protected heritage area, nor on a property that has been designated as having historic significance. The property is an existing commercial development (a preferred location per city policy), near existing industrial developments and on the edge of the existing residential community. The location respects technical requirements for providing high quality wireless service to surrounding residents and businesses, and mitigates visual impacts by being on the edge of the community.


The proposed facility would not cause interference with other radiocommunication devices, because TELUS uses licensed radio frequencies that are unavailable for use by other carriers.


Thank you for participating in the public consultation process for this proposal. Your feedback is important to us and helps us better understand local preferences for the location and design of telecommunications facilities in your community. TELUS endeavours for locate its infrastructure in suitable locations that respect public opinion and considers the technical requirements for providing high quality wireless service to area residents, businesses and institutions.