350 City Hall Square West, Room 210 Windsor ON N9A 6S1

Tel: (519) 255-6543 Fax: (519) 255-6544



Prior to submission, pre-consultation meeting is mandatory in accordance with By-law 199-2007A:

  1. Planning Department – Zoning - to review proposal for zoning compliance

  2. Planning Department – Development Division - to review proposal for Official Plan conformance and Site Plan Control guidelines as well as complete application with applicant.

NOTE: Pre-consultation does NOT represent approval or denial of application.

Complete all sections in full including the Authorization and Permission to Enter form. Provide the full name of all contact people and the name of the company. If the applicant is a registered numbered company, principles names must be provided and/or a corporate profile report. Without providing this information, the application will be deemed incomplete and delays in processing may occur.


  1. Applicant is the registered owner and/or new owner (with offer to purchase)
  2. Contact will be with the Agent unless otherwise noted.

Review Appendices A, B and C (attached) prior to completing the application.

Submit a copy of the completed and signed application form with all required plans and documents as indicated in Section 8. All plans/drawings shall be accurate, legible, professionally drawn, and folded to an 8½” x 14” size, otherwise submission will not be accepted. In addition to required prints/reductions, submit drawings and complete application in pdf format on compact disc (CD). Files to not exceed 4500 MB.

File names should be legible and clearly indicate the nature of the file, the name of the applicant and the site location.

The Site Plan Approval Officer will review the application and may return it if the application, plans/drawings or documents are incomplete or if the fee is unpaid. All inquiries as to the status of the application should be directed to the Site Plan Approval Officer.

Allow a minimum of eight weeks for processing of the application. Construction season normally requires longer approval times.


NOTE: Cash or Cheque will be processed when the application has been accepted by the Site Plan Approval Officer for processing. Fee is subject to change. Planning will confirm the application fee category during the pre-consultation process.

Total Fees: 

Minor Development$6099.50
Standard Development$8772.50
Major Development$11,390.50

Included in above:

$300.00ERCA Fee
$ 50.00GIS Fee
$600.00Landscape and Lighting fee
$245.00Building Department Inspection fee (An additional fee of $75/hr will be applied should the inspection and report preparation exceed 3 hours. Any additional fees will be invoiced through the Building Department)
$841.50Legal fee (for preparation of a site plan agreement by the Legal Department. The Legal fee is refundable if no agreement is required as a condition of approval)
$300.00Fire Inspection

In case of a Lease Agreement, the leasee/tenant may be a co-applicant only with the registered owner. If more than one owner is involved.

Planning fee for Residential Development (Heritage Conservation Area): $205.00

Files with no action for a period of six (6) months or more will be closed. At time of re-opening, a new application is required to be submitted.