No. 2020-

Sponsored by Commissioner Varga

​WHEREAS, the Wayne County Commission strongly opposes the latest effort by the Detroit International Bridge Company to allow hazardous materials to be transported across the 91-year old Ambassador Bridge, which connects the United States with neighboring Canada; and

​WHEREAS, the bridge company in May launched an inquiry to Michigan’s Department of Transportation to allow trucks to carry flammable, chemical or corrosive materials across the four-lane bridge connecting Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario; and

WHEREAS, in 2014 the Michigan Department of Transportation ruled against permitting hazardous materials to be transported across the Ambassador Bridge following widespread political and community opposition to the request; and

WHEREAS, transportation of such hazardous chemicals is currently allowed across the Detroit River by the Windsor-Detroit truck ferry; and

WHEREAS, transporting of hazmat materials across the Ambassador Bridge has been ruled problematic due to the lack of necessary safety measures and emergency planning in case of an accident that would close the bridge, the the busiest trade crossing in North America, should damage occur; and

WHEREAS, community feedback continues to vehemently oppose such transportation as little has changed in terms of emergency planning, including containment of a spill, maintaining an adequate water supply and contamination of the Detroit River; and

WHEREAS, the bridge is in proximity to thousands of residents on both sides of the border and such contaminants, have been linked to severe health problems, including, but not limited to, testicular and kidney cancer, thyroid disease, and respiratory and immune system disorders;

Now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Wayne County Commission on this 16th day of July 2020, strongly opposes any renewed efforts by the Detroit International Bridge Company leading to the authorization of the transport of any hazardous and toxic materials between Windsor, Ontario, Canada and Detroit, Michigan, via the Ambassador Bridge; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Wayne County Commission calls on the Michigan Department of Transportation and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy to work to prevent the transport and/or disposal of hazardous and toxic materials and prevent any further contaminated waste disposal sites from arising in Michigan; and, be it further