Ann L Byrne 2020 Oakdale I live in an awesome working class Detroi neighborhood just down stream of this where we.have little or no brownfield cleanup dollars and all the toxicity from years of industry and DOE project burial sites. While we understand why industry.poppped up.along the river when it did we understand the consequences of it being here. We are the descendants of those exposed at work and understand that all those vague cancers in our relatives were/are not coincidence. We know that accidents can and do happen and that pollutants in air or water respect to City, State or international border. Furthermore we recognize that we are a stones throw away from nearly a quarter of the world's fresh water supply and we have taken our place as guardians thereof having earned these titles from our relatives lost to industrial negligence.As a lifelong Detroiter and Michigander I want no chemicals, petroleum products or hazardous materials driven over or piped under any of this State's fresh water. Accidents can and do happen and they simply cannot happen on.or around that poorly regulated ill repaired briNor can I stand.silent when these materials are shipped through our Southwest Detroit neighborhoods. Our water rights are in perilous shape as it is and anything spilled from that bridge is a direct threat to us. Lastly the Moroun family and.all their adding a second.span at that location making it a target for terrorist which makes it all the more important to keep hazadous materials off of it.
Katie Dillon Kehoe 16585 Westmoreland Rd  
Valeria Cossyleon 2727 Norman Detroit MI  
Victor Abla 276 W. Grand Blvd.  
Hector Velazquez    
Hannah Lewis 48209 We need more environmental protection, not less!
Bill Cheek 2520 Ash Street Why is a vital international trade crossing privately owned? Remember that dam...?
Judy 1433 Leforge road ypsilanti Michigan This has got to stop.
Marybeth Amormino 15537 Dasher Allen Park MI 48101