TO: Mayor Dilkens Windsor City Council

FROM: Detroit City Council Member Raquel Castañeda-López 

DATE: October 6, 2020

RE: Hazmat Transport on Ambassador Bridge

Honorable Mayor and City Council,

I write to inform you of a request by the Ambassador Bridge Company to lift restrictions on the transport of Class 3 (Flammable) and Class 8 (Corrosive) hazardous materials across the Ambassador Bridge. I have attached for your review the information we have received thus far related to the matter.

As our border sister city and in the spirit of international relations and collaboration I felt it prudent to ensure that you were fully informed of the request. I know that your Honorable Body takes the responsibility of protecting the public health and safety of your residents very seriously. My office has introduced a resolution to oppose this request. As the representative of the community directly under the Bridge on the Detroit side, I have grave concerns about the risks to the residents should an accident occur.

I urge you to review this matter and analyze the potential impact on our sister communities in Windsor. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like additional information. Thank you for your vigilance in this important matter.

In Partnership,


Raquel Castañeda-López