No. Sender Subject
7.1.7 Unemployed Help Centre (UHC)

As the pandemic evolves, many people remain hungry and will need continued access to a no contact drive-through food hub. The hub located at Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex must endure through to the end of the year to help those in need. The use of Adie Knox is imperative to the UHC’s distribution of emergency food assistance, food storage, and assembly space. Over 75,000 individuals and families have received food assistance since the pandemic was declared on March 16. Without the use of Adie Knox, UHC would have to serve by appointment only, drastically reducing the number of people they can serve.

Commissioner, Parks, Recreation, Culture, andCorporate FacilitiesCommissioner, Development & HealthMH/13786

7.1.8 Via Italia BIA

Via Italia (Erie Street) BIA expresses gratitude for the ability to operate with extended patios and street closures throughout the summer of 2020. It was a successful summer. With the assistance of the Mayor, Councillors, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU), the Special Events Resources Team (SERT), and fire and police departments, the BIA felt supported. The BIA thanks Council for the support and opportunity to adapt in this unparalleled time.

City Clerk / Licence Commissioner
City Solicitor
Chief Building Official
Note & File