Item No. 7.1

Correspondence Report: CMC 17/2020


Subject: Correspondence Monday, October 19, 2020

No. Sender Subject
7.1.1 Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Local Planning Appeal Tribunal decision issued forAmal Chams and Mohammed Chams v. City ofWindsor re: Land Compensation, 6642 TecumsehRd. E., Case No. LC110040City SolicitorDeputy City SolicitorCity PlannerSPL2020Note & File
7.1.2 Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Power Cycle Inc. v. City of Windsor case heard October 8, 2020 by telephone conference call. Memorandum of oral decision delivered by R.G.M. Makuch on October 8, 2020 and order of the tribunal, Case No. LC150015City Solicitor Deputy City SolicitorSPL2020 Note & File