City Council
Monday, September 28, 2020

7.1.1Ontario Energy BoardNotice of a public hearing to consider the application by Enbridge Gas Inc. for approval to dispose of amounts recorded in certain deferral and variance accounts and for approval of the amount of its 2019 earnings that it is required to share with customers. The deadline to become an intervenor is October 8, 2020City EngineerMU2020 Note & File
7.1.2TransportationPlanning SeniorEngineerAdministration will be launching a pilot program of “Please Slow Down” lawn signs. These signs will be available for purchase at 1266 McDougall Ave., 2450 McDougall Ave., or by appointment at the Development Services counter on the 2nd floor of 350 City Hall Sq. W. 500 signs are available through this program. Feedback on this program will be used to inform the Traffic Calming Policy update and the Vision Zero Action Plan.City Engineer City SolicitorST2020 Note & File

Report Number: CMC 16/2020


8.1. Declaration of Improved Property Municipally Known as 1683 College Avenue Surplus and Authority to Offer for Sale-Ward 2

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR487/2020

I. That the following City of Windsor (the “City”) improved property BE DECLARED surplus: