Diversity Committee
Meeting Minutes

G. Jones mentions the Workforce Census, that was completed at the end of 2018, and notes that the data is broken down to indicate the length of time an employee has worked for the city.

In terms of hiring practices, Councillor Sleiman indicates that the City does not look at the background of an individual but rather at their qualifications.

G. Jones advises that one problem is that sometimes barriers can unknowingly exist in a system and those barriers can impact certain groups, especially groups that are already disadvantaged. She adds the concept of reviewing the hiring practices is already included in the Diversity initiative.

Councillor Sleiman and R. Al-Saadi suggest that a representative from the Human Resources Department be invited to attend the next meeting to provide the hiring practices process.

Moved by S. Bhuiyan, seconded by K. Gautam,

That the Diversity Committee as part of the Diversity & Inclusion Plan, requests to review the hiring practices of the City of Windsor to ensure there are no barriers to employment.
R. Al-Saadi voting nay.

5. Other Business

The Chair requests that the Diversity Committee conduct their own independent survey relating to the workforce census.

G. Jones explains that the Diversity Committee and other groups reviewed the Workforce Census prior to distribution. She adds that she administered the Workforce Census which was done in a thorough and ethical manner and then compared to the Canadian Census by a consultant. If the Committee is seeking further information from that survey, it can be provided.

S. Bhuiyan suggests the formation of a subcommittee to discuss community related matters and the City of Windsor hiring process.

Y. Huff proposes that this matter be discussed at the next meeting to allow more members to be in attendance.

6. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held in September 2020 on a date and time to be determined.