Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
On June 8th CHC mailed out 89 letters with a response, deadline of June 29, 2020. So far, three people have responded to the letter, one application is ready to be processed and the other two have pending documentation.
We are monitoring the take up of both these programs closely to see if we need to request the use of our Alternate Average Market Rents for these programs, as we want to make every effort to take up the full funding allocation for these programs.
Regulatory Changes
J. Susko succinctly provides the following comments relating to regulatory changes:
In September 2019, the province of Ontario filed new regulations that will improve waiting lists, create safer communities and simplify RGI rules and calculations. The amended regulations:
Effective September 23, 2019 , gives community housing providers the authority to refuse to house a household based on previous eviction by the Landlord Tenant Board for a serious criminal offence i.e., N6 issued for illegal activity, for a period of five years from the eviction order
Require applicants to prioritize their housing selection preference(s) and accept the first unit offered. Change came into effect on January 1, 2020 and must be implemented by January 1, 2021. Housing Services is working with the CHR to implement this change. All current waitlist applicants and new applicants must be notified of this change. Target date for implementation is November 1, 2020.
Give Service Managers and housing providers more flexibility to efficiently manage tenant transfers. Consultation with social housing providers and CHR staff identified an interest in prioritizing the transfer of over housed RGI tenants. The process of transferring RGI tenants between social housing providers in Windsor Essex will begin by offering priority transfers to RGI households that are over housed. Prioritizing this group for transfers between housing providers will ensure tenants in social housing units in Windsor Essex are in the right size unit and housing resources are being utilized appropriately. Housing Services is working with the CHR to implement this change. Target date for implementation is November 1, 2020; and
Change the rules that govern the calculation of RGI to make it more fair, easier for tenants to understand and simpler for staff to administer. RGI calculations will move to a simplified annual calculation of rent based on 30 percent of adjusted family net income (AFNI) as determined (where