Total Recommended for Approval 14 Total City Share EducationShare
$25,360.71 $23,364.94 $1,995.77
Total Recommended for Denial 8 Reason for Denial
Income over Threshold4
Incomplete Information2
CVA over $163,5002

Based upon Administration’s recommendation, total tax relief of $25,360.71 will be granted. The municipal portion is $23,364.94. The education portion of $1,995.77 will be recorded as a charge back to the Province. As the tax relief relates to taxes levied in 2019, $25,000 was accrued as part of the 2019 year-end allowance for doubtful accounts as a direct charge to the property tax write-off provision so there will be no impact on the current year operating budget. The difference between the allowance and the actual charge of $1,635.06 will be used to offset other tax related property tax adjustments which are approved during the year as the write-off provision is not specifically allocated by type of adjustment.


Property Tax Relief Internal Review Panel (PTRIRP) – Employment and Social Services


The property tax relief program’s main objective continues to be a means of giving taxpayers temporary financial assistance for the established maximum period of two year, (consecutive or otherwise) during which they can consider their situation and make changes accordingly.

Application is voluntary and approval is subject to meeting the conditions of the program eligibility. Based upon the number of applications received and recommended for approval, this program, while resource intensive, reaches a small segment of ratepayers most in need and is therefore a much needed program within our community. Over the course of time in which the program has been available, approximately 191 residents have received either full or partial tax relief.