Item No. 8.1

Council Report: C 183/2020

Subject: Declaration of Improved Property Municipally Known as 1683 College Avenue Surplus and Authority to Offer for Sale-Ward 2


Date to Council: September 28, 2020
Author: Chris Carpenter
Lease Administrator (A)
519-255-6100 x6420
Legal Services, Real Estate & Risk Management
Report Date: September 10, 2020
Clerk’s File #: APM2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT the following City of Windsor (the “City”) improved property BE DECLARED surplus:

II. THAT the Manager of Real Estate Services BE AUTHORIZED to offer the vacant parcels of land identified in Recommendation I for sale on the Multiple Listing Service (“MLS”) at a price to be determined by the Manager of Real Estate Services commensurate with an independent appraisal; and,

III. THAT the City Solicitor or designate BE DIRECTED to prepare a by-law to dedicate Part 1 on Plan 12R-28285 as part of the Campbell Avenue right-of-way.

Executive Summary: