CR541/2020 - Item 8.2 - Additional Info Memo


TO: Mayor and City Council

FROM: Melissa Osborne

DATE: November 2, 20202

SUBJECT: "C192/2020 - 2020 Third Quarter Operating Budget Variance"- Additional Information 

The Safe Restart Municipal Operational funding relief program requires the submission of Q3 actuals as at September 30, 2020, along with projections for the period October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The Q3actuals must be provided in one of two ways, “Attach a report from the municipality's financial system showing Q3actuals, or a report to Council that includes Q3 actuals.” The attached spreadsheet breaks out the amounts contained in the 2020 Third Quarter Variance Report into a more detailed format as required by the province. This memo is being brought to City Council as additional information relative to Report C192/2020in order to ensure the City is in compliance with this mandatory requirement.

Additional Recommendation Requiredin addition to those already reflected in Council Report C192/2020:

That City Council receives and accepts the Q3 additional information included in this memo which reflects the Q3 actual financial results as required for the Safe Restart Municipal Operational Funding program submissions from the city of Windsor to the Province.