Noise Source Data

A summary table showing all noise sources is provided in Table 2 below. In addition to the raw measurement data measured from a transport truck performing similar operations (driving through a \n industrial lot and parking a trailer), calculation tables which illustrate the calculation of the sound power levels from the measured one third octave sound pressure levels (if applicable), is included in Appendix D. Also included in the calculations are the necessary corrections for distance, directivity and other factors prior to inputting into the noise propagation model.

Table 2: Noise Source Data Summary

Source ID/PredictorName Source Description Sound Pressure Level (dBA) at "X" distance Sound Characteristics Noise ControlMeasures
Truck Truck traffic 70.3 at 5 m S U


N/N No noise C Cyclic
N/A Not available Si Silencer, acoustic louver, muffler
O Located/installed outside the building A Acoustic lining, plenum
I Located/installed inside building Ba Barrier, berm, screening
S Steady L Lagging
Q Quasi steady impulsive E Acoustic Enclosure
Im Impulsive Ot Other
B Buzzing U Uncontrolled
T Tonal    

Identification of the Representative Receptor Locations

Upon examination of the proposed development plan, the representative locations selected for assessment calculations for this development are identified as follows: POR1(point of reception 1), POR2 and POR3. These representative locations, which are located at the property line, are labelled on the proposed development layout in Appendix A: Site LocationProposed Development Layout. These locations were selected due to their proximity to the property line, the nearest truck parking spots and for the orientation of the sources of noise.

POR1 is located at the south east property line and assumes that a truck is in front of a trailer which would provide shielding of the truck from the property line. The noise assessment is performed at the south property line.

POR2 is located at the south west property line and assumes that a truck is backed into a north parking spot and that there is no trailer parked in the adjacent south parking spot. The noise assessment is performed at the south property line.