Council’s consideration in a fulsome manner; and that administration ALSO INCLUDE any outstanding CQ’s on traffic calming at the same time for Council’s consideration.

Report Number: SCM 318/2020 & S 111/2020

Clerk’s File: ST2020


10.1. Presentation- Update Report: Windsor-Essex Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan

Leonardo Gil, Project Manager

Leonardo Gil, Project Manager, appears before Council to provide an update on the Windsor-Essex Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan, including background on legislative requirements, planning framework, key project updates, risk factor data categories, asset mapping, project methodologies, consultation and engagement approaches, enhanced sector network, and project timelines.

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Gignac

Decision Number: CR560/2020 CSPS 118

That the presentation to City Council on November 9, 2020 by Leonardo Gill, Project Manager, regarding an update on the Windsor-Essex Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan" BE RECEIVED.

Report Number: SCM 298/2020 & SCM 277/2020

Clerk’s File: SS2019 & MH/13786

8.13. Zoning By-law Amendment - 1521 Pierre Avenue - Lester Group - Z016-20 [ZNG-6127] - Ward 4

Beau Dubois, Representing Owners Group

Beau Dubois, representing the Owners Group, appears before Council to speak in support of a zoning by-law amendment on the lands located at 1521 Pierre Avenue, to permit a residential use building, proposing a two storey, 3 unit residential apartment building with associated parking, and states that they will be submitted redesigned aesthetics that should alleviate any concerns with regards to this request.