Decision Number: CR538/2020

That the report of the City Solicitor dated September 18, 2020 entitled "Council Question CQ232019 – Pay day Loan Establishments" BE DEFERRED to a future meeting of Council as a regular agenda item and that Administration BE DIRECTED to provide additional information on options available with respect to education and other options available to help move people away from these locations.

Report Number: C 187/2020

Clerk’s File: AL2020

7.1.16 Letters of objection from surrounding property owners of Baseline Rd. regarding the construction of a sanitary sewer and private drain connections on Baseline Road from 7th Concession to 8th Concession Rd. Property owners request that Council considers their objections and reconsider the costs to residents associated with the project.

Moved by: Councillor Morrison

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: CR535/2020

That the correspondence from the “Neighbours of Baseline” from Concession 7 to Concession 8 dated October 9, 2020 requesting the City to not rescind the rates on main trunk sewer lines that have been in effect since 2003 BE NOTED AND FILED.

Clerk’s File: SW/13662





The Canadian Transit Company

On October 19, 2020, Windsor City Council approved a motion to support the draft resolution being considered by Detroit Council in opposition to the Ambassador Bridge’s request to the Michigan

Department of Transportation to lift the restrictions on Class 3 and Class 8 hazardous materials. This letter advises Council that the Detroit City Council has not passed this resolution. The resolution referred to in the motion is a draft resolution. This letter includes a history of and statements regarding this resolution. This letter requests that Council reconsider and void the motion passed on October 19, 2020.

City Solicitor

City Engineer



Note & File