11. REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Non-Consent Items)

11.3. Proposed expropriation on Provincial Road for the Provincial/Division Corridor Improvements Project, Phase 2-4 from Owner JBM Capital Inc. municipal address: 3051-4001 Legacy Park and 4611 Walker Road-City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Gignac

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: CR563/2020

That the Council of the City of Windsor acting pursuant to section 8 of the Expropriations Act, ADOPTS the findings contained within the report of the Inquiry Officer Gillian M. Burton dated October 11, 2020 and approves the proposed expropriation of the interests in land being:

Part of the east half of lot 14 in the Sixth Concession being designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 on Plan 12R-28178 and Parts 23 and 24 on Plan 12R- 28177 for guy wire easements and Part 22 on Plan 12R-28177 for an aerial easement, in the City of Windsor and County of Essex and that the Owner's solicitor be paid the statutory costs of $200.00.

Report Number: C 203/2020

Clerk’s File: APM2020

11.4. Purchase of Six, 2021 Chevrolet Bolt, Fully Electric Vehicles for Building Department - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin

Decision Number: CR564/2020

That the report of Public Works – Operations, dated October 23, 2020 entitled "Purchase of Six, 2021 Chevrolet Bolt, Fully Electric Vehicles for Building Department" BE RECEIVED; and further,

That the existing RFP BE RESCINDED and that a new RFP BE ISSUED for hybrid mini-vans that would replace these vehicles and that Administration BE DIRECTED to come back with a draft policy for Council‘s consideration on how to replace vehicles while at the same time supporting the Climate Change Plan.

Report Number: C 211/2020

Clerk’s File: SB2020 & AF/11247