11.5. 2021 Capital Budget Pre-Approval – City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Gignac

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR522/2020

  1. That City Council PRE-COMMIT an amount of $15,530,000 in 2021 funding previously approved in principle in the 2020 8-Year Capital Budget, as well as an additional $116,476 in 2021 funding from the Parks Equipment Replacement Reserve (Fund 197) for the Parks Equipment Replacement, for immediate use in order to take advantage of competitive bidding, and as detailed in Appendix A.

Report Number: C 199/2020

Clerk’s File: AFB/13698

11.7. 2020 Holiday Lighting Displays

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR524/2020

That City Council APPROVE the enhancement of holiday lighting displays at secured City of Windsor facilities using Bright Lights displays and existing funding from the 2020 Holiday Lights Operating Budget; and further,

That City Council APPROVE transferring $180,000 from the 2020 Holiday Lights Operating budget (001-4245-5610-14100-0280601) to the Holiday Lights Capital Budget (project #717089) to invest in additional holiday displays as follows:

$20,000 BE MADE AVAILABLE to each BIA equally, pending a plan from the respective BIA that is verified and approved by administration; and that in the event that there are any excess funds, that Administration BE AUTHORIZED to re-direct in a pseudo-manner either to another BIA’s plan if so determined that it is warranted or it be used for any other public spaces to essentially highlight the festival of lights across the city.

That Administration BE AUTHORIZED to apply for the Reconnect Festival and Event Program grant, subject to being able to meet the application requirements, in order to provide enhanced holiday programming for 2020; and further,

That City Council APPROVE the use of the funding identified in this report as the City’s matching and ineligible portion for the grant submission; and further,

That the CAO and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign any required agreements should the funding application be successful; and further,