At the request of Councillor Francis, a recorded vote is taken on this matter.

Aye votes: Councillors Costante, Bortolin, Holt, Morrison, Kaschak and McKenzie.

Nay votes: Councillors Francis, Gignac, Sleiman, Gill and Mayor Dilkens.

Absent: None.

Abstain: None.

Report Number: C 197/2020

Clerk’s File: SR2020


8.3. Revised Appointment of Drainage Engineer - Talsma and Janisse Drains - Ward 10

Moved by: Councillor Kaschak

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR507/2020

That CR340/2020 BE RESCINDED; and,

That the firm of BairdAE Inc. BE APPOINTED as the engineer of record under the Drainage Act to prepare a report to inform Council of the drainage works project, if any, that is required to address the ongoing use of the Talsma and Janisse Drains and their designations as Municipal Drains.

Report Number: C 198/2020

Clerk’s File: AS2020

8.4. Provincial/Division Corridor Improvements Phase 2 Noise Bylaw Exemption - Ward 9

Moved by: Councillor Kaschak

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR508/2020

  1.  That the following exemption requests to the provisions of the Noise By-law 6716 (as amended), BE GRANTED to permit for the operation of construction equipment required to complete the trunk storm sewer tunneling through CN Railway:
    1. Specific exemption request:
      Construction activities during the hours of 8 pm through to 6 am, to complete construction of a trunk storm sewer by tunneling through the CN Railway along west side of Provincial Road at Sixth Concession Drain.