8.2. Award of RFP Number 132-20 - Organics and Biosolids Waste Management and Processing Consultant - City Wide

Howard Weeks, Resident of Ward 4

Howard Weeks, resident of Ward 4, appears before Council to provide comment regarding the award of RFP Number 132-20 pertaining to organics and biosolids waste management and processing consultant, suggesting the cost of a consultant is both repetitive and redundant as in-house expertise should be used and thus, saving taxpayer dollars.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: CR506/2020

  1. That APPROVAL BE GIVEN to enter into an agreement with GHD Limited for the provisions of consulting services related to Organics and Biosolids waste management and processing in the amount of $132,500 plus applicable taxes and that the Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the agreement with GHD Limited, satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, in technical content to the City Engineer and in financial content to the City Treasurer; and,

  2.  That Council APPROVE the funding for preliminary consulting services and internal project management with the balance being applied to additional future study costs from the following funding sources: 
    1. That $100,000 in 2021 funding, previously approved in principle in the 2020 8-year Capital Plan, BE PRECOMMITTED to project 7184005 (Food and Organic Waste Study) from project OPS-006-19 (Food and Organic Waste Collection and Treatment); and, 
    2. That $100,000 BE TRANSFERRED from the Landfill #3 Perpetual Care Reserve (account #1790) to project 7184005 (OPS-006-19); and,
    3. That the balance in project 7161018 (Bio-Solids Disposal Strategies) BE TRANSFERRED to project 7184005 (OPS-006-19) and project 7161018 BE CLOSED; and, 
  3. That Council DIRECT Administration to pursue funding from the Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority to partially offset the costs of the consulting services related to Organics and Biosolids waste management and processing.

Report Number: C 194/2020

Clerk’s File: SW/13940