Greg Aldous, Resident

Greg Aldous, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, stating that if one were to look at the chronology of events, there was conflicting advice about the merits of wearing a mask.

Darryl Burrell, Resident

Darryl Burrell, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, suggesting that there are numerous studies that indicate masks actually provide added risks and concludes by stating that the proposed by-law extension is an abuse of power.

Catherine Diodati, Resident

Catherine Diodati, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, suggesting that businesses, the job market and inter-personal relationships have all suffered and that extending the mask by-law would be a divisive mandate.

Tammy Oosterbaan, Resident

Tammy Oosterbaan, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, suggesting that the virus is not resulting in death to those under the age of 19 and that oxygen is needed for the human body.

Yana Sizonenko, Resident

Yana Sizonenko, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, stating that there are studies that show masks do not prevent transmittal and that political and public health officials are making bad decisions and should be relying on concrete evidence as opposed to fear and pressure tactics.

Mary Peters, Resident

Mary Peters, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, suggesting that there has been a mental impact on the current situation and children are suffering and need the comfort of a solid future.