II. That the Manager of Real Estate Services BE AUTHORIZED to offer the vacant parcels of land identified in Recommendation I for sale on the Multiple Listing Service (“MLS”) at a price to be determined by the Manager of Real Estate Services commensurate with an independent appraisal; and,

III. That the City Solicitor or designate BE DIRECTED to prepare a by-law to dedicate Part 1 on Plan 12R-28285 as part of the Campbell Avenue right-of-way.

Report Number: C 183/2020

Clerk’s File: APM2020

8.2. Applications for Tax Reductions under Sections 357/358 of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001 - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR488/2020

That City Council ACCEPT Administration’s recommendations with regards to approval of property tax relief for those applications for Tax Reduction, Cancellation and Refunds as outlined and included in Appendices A through D; and,

That City Council SUPPORT Administration's recommendation to deny applications for Tax Reduction, Cancellation and Refund for the following properties:

That the CFO/City Treasurer (or designate) BE AUTHORIZED to amend the City’s Tax Master Collector’s Roll for the 2017 through 2019 taxation years in the amount of $145,775.32 (including the education portion).

Report Number: C 184/2020

Clerk’s File: AF2020