Verbal Motion is presented by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by Councillor Gignac, to move in Camera for discussion of the following item(s):

Item No. Subject Section –Pursuant toMunicipal Act,2001, as amended
1. Property matter – sale of land 239(2)(c)
2. Property matter – sale of land 239(2)(c)
3. Legal matter – settlement 239(2)(e)(f)
4. Legal matter – application 239(2)(e)
5. Personal matter – about an identifiable individual – verbal and powerpoint 239(2)(b)

Motion Carried.

Declarations of Pecuniary Interest:

None delcared.

Discussion on the items of business. (Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)

Verbal Motion is presented by Councillor McKenzie, seconded by Councillor Morrison, to move back into public session.

Motion Carried.


Moved by Councillor Kaschak, seconded by Councillor Costante,

THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to transmit the recommendation(s) contained in the report(s) discussed at the In-Camera Council Meeting held September 14 directly to Council for consideration at the next Regular Meeting.