11. REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Non-Consent Items)

11.2. Proposed Expropriation of lands on Provincial and Division Roads for the Cabana/Division Corridor Improvements Project, Phase 2 to 4 - Ward 4

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR473/2020

That the City Council of the City of Windsor sitting as an Expropriation Authority under the Expropriations Act APPROVE the taking of the lands as shown on Schedule “A” (excepting No. 35), in the City of Windsor for the Cabana/Division Corridor Improvements.

Report Number: C 177/2020

Clerk’s File: APM2020

11.4. Purchase of Twelve (12) SUV - Mid Size Crossover Vehicles for the By-Law Enforcement Division - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin

Seconded by: Councillor Costante

Decision Number: CR475/2020 CR424/2020

That City Council APPROVE a pre-commitment of the 2021 Fleet Replacement Capital Budget in amount of $124,554.24 ($122,400 for four (4) units plus nonrefundable HST) for immediate use in order to take advantage of competitive bidding; and,

That Council PRE-APPROVE and AWARD any procurement(s) necessary that are related to the purchase of twelve (12) SUV – Mid Size Crossover Vehicles, provided that the procurement(s) are within approved budget amounts, pursuant to the Purchasing By-Law 93-2012 and amendments thereto; satisfactory in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer, and in technical content to the to the City Engineer; and,

That the Purchasing Manager BE AUTHORIZED to issue a purchase order to the successful vendor in the amount not to exceed $369,600.00 (excluding HST) for the purchase of the twelve (12) SUV type vehicles identified in the request as a result of the tendering process, subject to approval as to technical content by the City Engineer and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer; and further,

That the additional information report on the Purchase of Twelve (12) SUV – Mid Size Crossover

Vehicles for By-Law Enforcement Division BE RECEIVED for information.

Councillors Francis and Gignac voting nay.


Councillors Francis and Gignac voting nay. 

Report Number: C 157/2020 & C 176/2020

Clerk’s File: AL2020