Project Purchasing and Risk Resources
  • Provide immediate advice on purchasing by-law requirements.
  • Manage insurance certification (Builders Risk/WSIB etc).
  • Ensure appropriate adherence to the Purchasing By-law.
Project Communication
  • Develop and implement Communication Strategy
  • Media Relations, Social Media, Advertising, Event Planning, Video Updates, Visual Identity, including graphics and photography
  • Website
  • Survey Promotions
  • General Communications
Parks & Facilities Resources
  • Provide technical review of drawings related to functionality and maintenance of the facility.
  • Provide input on the requirements and compliance during the design process.
  • Provide support and guidance regarding standard specifications.

3.3. Rules for Spending

City Council has previously approved, on other projects, recommendations made as to the rules for spending that would be strictly adhered to. The following summarizes the proposed recommendations:

Role Rules for Spending
City Council
  • Must approve all requests for an increase to the overall total budget of the project.
Steering Committee
  • All requests for increases to project budget will be brought before the Steering Committee.
Executive Committee
  • Can approve all changes to allocations within the overall budget over $100,000.
  • Can approve draws from the project contingency funds over $100,000 for individual items.
  • Can approve draws of contingency after 50% of the contingency has been spent.
Project Sponsor
  • Can approve contingency funds up to $100,000 per item to a maximum total use of up to 50% of the contingency budget.
  • All items will be reported out to the Executive Committee
Project Administrator
  • Can approve contingency funds up to $50,000 per item to a maximum total use of up to 50% of the contingency budget.
  • All items will be reported out to the Executive Committee

The Project Sponsor and Project Administrator are limited to a collective maximum use of up to 50% the project contingency budget. Approval of all requests for proposals and tenders shall be in accordance with the Purchasing By-law.