appropriate by Administration, and that Notice of Intention to pass Local Improvement Charges By-Law BE GIVEN to the public and affected owners, including the intention to apply to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal under section 8 of O. Reg. 586/06 for approval to undertake the work as a local improvement, in accordance with the attached report of the City Engineer.

At the request of Councillor Gignac, a recorded vote is taken on this matter.

Aye votes: Councillors Francis, Costante, Bortolin, Holt, Gignac, Kaschak, McKenzie, Morrison and Mayor Dilkens.
Nay votes: None.
Absent: Councillor Sleiman.
Abstain: None.

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: CR432/2020 ETPS 774

That property owners with septic systems less than 10 years old BE GIVEN either 3 years to hook into the trunk line once made available or the difference between the age of their septic system and the 10 year timeframe, whichever is greater.

At the request of Councillor Gignac, a recorded vote is taken on this matter.

Aye votes: Councillors Costante, Bortolin, Holt, Kaschak, McKenzie, Morrison and Mayor Dilkens.

Nay votes: Councillors Francis and Gignac.

Absent: Councillor Sleiman.

Abstain: None.