That City Council APPROVE the creation of a new reserve fund to track and monitor the use of these funds, and any future funding which may be received under the Safe Restart municipal operating pressures stream; and,

That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any agreements, declarations or approvals required to seek additional funding and or resulting from receiving funding under the Safe Restart Agreement for municipal operating pressures satisfactory in financial content to the City Treasurer, and in form to the City Solicitor; and further,

That the Chief Administrative Officer BE AUTHORIZED to delegate signing of all claims and applicable reports and other such documents, as required as part of receiving funding under the Safe Restart Agreement for municipal operating pressures, to the City Treasurer or designate.

Councillor Sleiman was absent from the meeting when the vote was taken on this matter.

Report Number: C 166/2020

Clerk’s File: MH/13786 & AF2020


12.1. (i) Report of the Special In-Camera meeting or other Committee as may be held prior to Council

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR441/2020

That the report of the In Camera meeting held August 24, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.
Councillor Sleiman was absent from the meeting when the vote was taken on this matter

Clerk’s File: ACO2020

12.2. Report of the Striking Committee of its meeting held August 24, 2020

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR446/2020

That the report of the Striking Committee meeting held August 24, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.
Councillor Sleiman was absent from the meeting when the vote was taken on this matter.