That the report OUTLINE the emergency powers afforded to the Chief Executive of the City of Windsor as outlined by Provincial Legislation; and further,

That the report BE BROUGHT BACK to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee for consideration.

Report Number: SCM 236/2020 & SCM 184/2020

Clerk’s File: MB2020

11.3. Open Streets 2020

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Gignac

Decision Number: CR437/2020

That Administration’s recommendation to cancel Open Streets Windsor 2020 scheduled on Sunday, September 20, 2020 due to ongoing restrictions in relation to COVID-19 BE APPROVED; and further,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to continue with planning two Open Street Windsor Events in 2021, as approved in the 2020 budget.

Report Number: C 162/2020

Clerk’s File: SPL/12373

11.6. Tender 105-20 – Strabane Avenue Rehabilitation – Central Ave to Riverside Dr. E - Ward 5

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Gignac

√Clerk’s Note: the City Treasurer has authorized the following correction:√

Decision Number: CR440/2020

  1. That the following low tender BE ACCEPTED:
TENDERER:                    Sherway Contracting (Windsor) Limited
TENDER NO:                   105-20
TOTAL TENDER PRICE:     $1,423,041.00 (excluding HST)
ACCOUNT CHARGED:       007-5410-9998-02942-7152000


That the CAO and City Clerk EXECUTE the contract with the low tenderer, with said contract being satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, satisfactory in technical content to the City Engineer, and in financial content to the City Treasurer.