City Council
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Building Permit Services required for the roof dome replacement at 2895 Seminole Street, BE APPROVED, subject to:

  1. Determination by the Chief Building Official and the City Planner that the work is completed to applicable codes and heritage conservation standards;

  2. Owner’s submission of paid receipts for work completed;

  3. That the Community Heritage Fund (Reserve Fund 157) grants approved shall lapse if the applicant has not completed the work and fulfilled the conditions within 2 years of the approval date.

II. That any further changes determined to be minor that require Council Approval as per the approved Heritage Alteration Permit (CR 499/2019), BE DELEGATED to the City Planner for final approval.

III. That CR499/2019 BE AMENDED by deleting clauses II.a. and lll. since it is not necessary to enter into a heritage conservation agreement and all determination of good work will be reviewed through the Building Permit Application.

Report Number: SCM 218/2020 & S 72/2020

Clerk’s File: MBA/10446

8.12. Closure of the north/south alley south of Wyandotte Street E., abutting the east limit of Florence Avenue extension, and the closure of a remnant portion of the east/west alley south of Wyandotte Street E., east of Florence Avenue extension; Applicant – VGA INVESTMENTS INC.; File No. SAA/6063, Ward 7

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin

Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR403/2020 DHSC 178

  1. That the 3.05 metres wide north-south alley located on the south side of Wyandotte Street, east side of Florence Avenue extension, between the south limit of Wyandotte Street right-of-way and the south limit of lot 45, Plan 1142, as shown on Drawing No. CC-1770 attached as Appendix “A”, BE ASSUMED for subsequent closure.

  2. That the 3.05 metres wide north-south alley located on the south side of Wyandotte Street, east side of Florence Avenue extension, between the south limit of Wyandotte Street right-of-way and the south limit of lot 45, Plan 1142, as shown on Drawing No. CC-1770 attached as Appendix “A”, BE CLOSED AND CONVEYED to the applicant, for the purpose of increasing the width of the proposed Florence Avenue Road allowance to conform to the Official Plan requirement (22m minimum width) per CR54/2020 DHSC 125 attached hereto as Appendix “D”.