Most Anticipated Public Safety Challenges

This assessment has identified the most likely public safety issues/challenges that are anticipated, requiring the attention of the Windsor Police Service. These need to be recognized and acknowledged if any corresponding course of action is to be successful at establishing and maintaining safety, security, and general public order. These include:


Upon reviewing the proposed site and its physical circumstances, some discernible risk of loitering and disorderly behaviour exists. This issue is influenced by the adjaent land uses (most notably liquor and convenience stores which commonly attract such behaviour). Loitering is often correlated with disorderly conduct. The risk for both activities therefore needs to be addressed properly as the store becomes operational. The most likely risk for loitering to develop is at the rear of the store where ongoing observation capability is reduced considerably. This could potentially result in some individuals lingering within this more vulnerable area of the site, triggering unlawful activity. Windsor Police will certainly be responsive to this through regular patrols and incident responsses but the owner also needs to maintain regular observation of this space during operating hours to ensure safety. Should these activities establish and continue without being managed properly, there will be a negative impact realized for adjacent land uses and the community.


The site’s access will be achieved via the signalized intersection of Walker Road Road at Ottawa Street, which will help to alleviate most traffic problems. There could be issues when the store first opens or during any promotional events associated with the store. Special attention to traffic congestion and flow may be warranted in such circumstances.

Summary of Police Incident Data

An examination of police incident response data for the plaza where the new cannabis store is to be located was examined. The data revealed the following:

YEAR NUMBER OF POLICE CALLS: Retail Plaza at 1320 Walker Road
2017 58
2018 79
2019 103
2020 41 (as of June 12th)
Yearly Average 80 police calls