City of Windsor

Department of Community Development and Health Services

Community Development & Health Services is committed to enhancing the quality of life of individuals and families in Windsor and Essex County. As outlined in the City of Windsor's Draft Municipal Cannabis Policy Statement, proposed locations should have consideration for the protection of youth and other vulnerable individuals.

The proposed AGCO Cannabis Store application from ‘Friendly Stranger South Windsor’ located at 3196 Dougall Avenue, Unit A8 is across the right of way from Little Stars Child Care located at 3139 Dougall Avenue. Little Stars Child Care is a licenced child care provider for up to 21 toddler and pre-school age children. Although located across the right of way, the proposed cannabis location is not within 150 metres per the guidelines due to the setback from the road, the orientation of the commercial building and the large parking lot, which creates a significant distance between the two establishments. The total distance between the two addresses is within 500 metres (191 metres).

Legal Department

There are no legal issues related to this application at this time.

Department of Parks, Recreation & Culture and Facilities

The proposed AGCO Cannabis Store application from ‘Friendly Stranger South Windsor’ located at 3196 Dougall Avenue, Unit A8 is not located within 150 metres from any park and/or recreation facility.

However, the following parks and/or recreation facilities are located within 500 metres of the proposed location:

Windsor Fire and Rescue Services

WFRS does not have any concerns with the location of this application.

An inspection prior to opening is required to identify the location and quantity of the product and any special hazards.

Planning & Building Department

The parcel located at 3196 Dougall Avenue, Unit A8 is zoned Commercial CD3.3 which permits the proposed retail store.