CR316/2020 - Item 11.6 – Appendix A

Council Report: C 145/2019

Subject: Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (Special Intake)


Date to Council:
Author: Melissa Osborne
Senior Manager Asset Planning
519-255-6100 x6111
mosborne@citywindsor.caLuigi Congi
Asset Coordinator
519 255 6100 ext. 6136
lcongi@citywindsor.caAsset Planning
Report Date: 7/23/2019
Clerk’s File #: EI/13569

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That in order to undertake a major project aimed at reducing the likelihood of future flooding, City Council approve the following recommendations:

  1. THAT City Council APPROVE the Chief Administrative Officer to submit an Expression of Interest, and Full Application for the $80,484,001 project identified in this report, to Infrastructure Canada (INFC) for the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) subject to the documents being satisfactory in technical content by the City Engineer and financial content by the City Treasurer; and,

  2. THAT City Council SUPPORT the matching funding for the City’s portion of the project, as $5,000,000 each year from 2020 to 2030 from the Sewer Master Plan Implementation Project (ENG-002-19); and,

  3. THAT in the event the City receives written confirmation of the Grant funding being awarded to the City, then City Council APPROVES the following:

    1. THAT City Council APPROVE the use of funding identified in the Sewer Master Plan Implementation Project (ENG-002-19) as the City’s matching portion for the DMAF grant, with funding specifically identified as follows: