City Council
Monday, May 25, 2020

Decision Number: CR243/2020

That the report of the Development and Heritage Standing Committee of its meeting held April 14, 2020 regarding “Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-4 – 2513821 Ontario Inc. – 3490 Marentette Avenue” BE DEFERRED pending the completion of the by-law review and enacted through Council.
Councillors Francis and Gignac voting nay

Report Number: SCM 129/2020 & S 16/2020

Clerk’s File: Z/13528

10. PRESENTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS (5 Minute maximum per delegate)

10.1. PwC Internal Audit Summary Report January 1, 2020 - April 30, 2020

Christopher O’Connor, Auditor General, PwC Partner, Site Leader, Risk Assurance Services, Southwestern Ontario

Christopher O’Connor, Auditor General, PwC Partner, Site Leader, Risk Assurance Services, Southwestern Ontario, appears before Council electronically and provides an overview of the Internal Audit Summary report for the period between January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020 including performance and status; security incident prevention and mitigation report; VFM purchased services – winter road clearing report; hotline investigation report; management action plan validation report and summary of use of unallocated effort.

Suk Bedi, PwC Director, Risk Assurance Services; and Huzaifa Saifee, PwC Senior Associate, Risk Assurance Services

Suk Bedi, PwC Director, Risk Assurance Services; and Huzaifa Saifee, PwC Senior Associate, Risk Assurance Services, appear before Council and are available for questions electronically regarding the Internal Audit Summary report for the period between January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020.

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: CR262/2020

That the attached report provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) for the period January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020 comprised of the following:

  1. Internal Audit Performance and Status Summary

  2. Security Incident Prevention and Mitigation Internal Audit Report

  3. VFM- Purchased services - Winter Road Clearing Internal Audit Report

  4. Hotline Investigation Internal Audit Report - NTS 005-FEB - 2020

  5. Management Action Plan Validation (MAPV) report

BE RECEIVED for information; and further,