Indicators have been developed for each action, where feasible. Effort was taken to identify indicators that already exist or that are already being tracked. In cases where indicators exist, City departments and/or organizations with access to the information are identified. An organizational lead was also assigned for tracking progress for each indicator. For some actions, indicators will be identified as implementation progresses.
Objective 1: Integrate Climate Change Thinking and Response
Climate Change inclusion in Official Plan (Planning)
Number of plans and policies including climate change considerations (ESCC)
Number of engagement activities (ESCC leading, all departments)
Number of people reached through engagement activities (ESCC, IT, all departments)
Costs of response to natural disasters (Finance)
Number of Partnerships Formed (ESCC)
Objective 2: Protect Public Health and Safety
Updated Community Development and Health Services Emergency Response Plan (CDHS)
Number of times Emergency Response Plans have been implemented (Emergency Management)
Number of sites offering free tap water (ESCC, Windsor Essex County Health Unit)
Number of AQHI alerts (ESCC)
Number of human cases of vector borne diseases (Windsor Essex County Health Unit)
Heat related emergency room visits (Windsor Essex County Health Unit)
Objective 3: Reduce Risk to Building and Property
Number of People taking advantage of the Basement Flooding Subsidy Program (Engineering)
Number of rainbarrel sales (ESCC)
Number of downspouts disconnected (Field Services)
Objective 4: Strengthen Infrastructure Resiliency
Sewer Master Plan completed (Engineering)
Number of recommendations in the Sewer Master Plan underway or completed (Engineering)
Number of rain guards installed (Operations)
Number of projects using the Triple Bottom Line approach (Asset Planning)
Completion of Flood Plain Mapping (Engineering)
Number of vulnerability and risk assessments completed for individual City assets (ESCC, Engineering)