
Protect and enhance the management of natural areas to improve climate change resilience - Evaluate and prioritize natural areas restoration opportunities; Develop high level policies to inform the development of Natural Areas Management Plans; Develop Natural Areas Management Plans; Prioritize the preservation of unprotected natural properties especially for consolidation of existing natural areas; Increase implementation of natural areas restoration and maintenance; Conduct restoration using appropriate zone specific plants focusing on those identified to be able to withstand extreme weather events; Monitor, protect and advocate for species at risk; Enhance communication and coordination with other agencies; Enhance recognition of Trees as assets in all rehabilitation, development and remediation issues.

Lead: Parks; Planning. Supporting Role: ERCA; Friends of Ojibway Prairie; Essex County Field Naturalists; Tallgrass Ontario; Ontario Parks; MNRF; MOECP; Point Peele National Park; Private Landowners; Erie Wildlife Rescue; Humane Society; Wings Avian Rehabilitation.

Parks Master Plan,

Environmental Master

Plan, Landscape Plan,

Official Plan, Black Oak

Management Plan





Investigate the potential for natural areas to enhance flood attenuation - Identify where flood attenuation is needed within the City of Windsor; Review water retention possibilities in natural areas including lands adjacent to Provincially Significant Wetlands and other wetland associated habitats (e.g.. swamp forest, wet prairie, meadow marsh).

Lead: Planning; Parks; ERCA. Supporting Role: Private landowners.


